The Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group of Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable Forum is a dedicated cooperation initiative of economies systemically vulnerable to climate change. The V20 works through dialogue and action to tackle global climate change.


The Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group was established with the inaugural meeting of the V20 Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable Forum chaired by H.E. Cesar V. Purisima, Secretary of Finance of the Philippines, on 08 October 2015 at Lima, Peru in conjunction with the 2015 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund.


The call to create the V20 originated from the Climate Vulnerable Forum’s Costa Rica Action Plan (2013-2015) in a major effort to strengthen economic and financial responses to climate change. It foresaw a high-level policy dialogue pertaining to action on climate change and the promotion of climate resilient and low emission development with full competence for addressing economic and financial issues beyond the remit of any one organization.

Costa Rica Action Plan of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (pdf, 0.3mb)


Promote the mobilization of public and private climate finance

Share and exchange best practices on economic and financial aspects of climate action

Develop new and improved approaches to climate finance

Engage in joint advocacy and other collective actions



February 9

1st V20 Ministerial Meeting in the IMF

1st V20 Ministerial Meeting in the IMF
March 9

Launch of the V20 Carbon Finance Development Program

Launch of the V20 Carbon Finance Development Program
April 9

G7-V20 Global Shield against Climate Risks partnership established and launched

G7-V20 Global Shield against Climate Risks partnership established and launched
June 9

Climate Prosperity Plans of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka presented to mobilize over $100 bn in investment

Climate Prosperity Plans of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka presented to mobilize over $100 bn in investment
July 9

IMF engagement on RST begins

IMF engagement on RST begins
August 9

Launched the Climate Vulnerable Economics Loss Report

Launched the Climate Vulnerable Economics Loss Report
September 9

Launched the V20 Debt Review

Launched the V20 Debt Review
October 9

Launched the Climate Vulnerable Monitor, Third Edition (CVM3)

Launched the Climate Vulnerable Monitor, Third Edition (CVM3)


At Lima on 8th November 2015 a new international economic cooperation actor emerged with the creation of the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group of Ministers of Finance.
The founding documents of the V20 include:

V20 Design Document

Framing the purpose, role and functions/operations of the V20

Download V20 Design Document (pdf, 0.1mb)

V20 Action Plan

A 5 year plan of activities that the V20 aims to undertake

Download V20 Action Plan (pdf, 0.1mb)

V20 Communique

First joint statement of the V20

Download V20 Communique (pdf, 0.3mb)

V20 Implementation Work Plan

Describes the principal activities, approach, partnerships and objectives for the realization of decisions and ambitions of the V20

Download V20 Implementation Work Plan (pdf, 0.3mb)


UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance

Munich Climate Insurance Initiative

InsuResilience Global Partnership

World Bank Group/GFDRR




The Headquarters of the CVF-V20 indepedent institution is located in Accra, Ghana.