2013-15 CVF Costa Rica Action Plan

The CVF adopted an Action Plan under the Costa Rica presidency for the 2013-15 period. Released at the UN Climate Change Conference at Warsaw, Poland (COP19) in November 2013, the Action Plan mandates new research, high-level consultations and diplomatic activities, and focuses on:

  • Joint efforts of CVF members till 2015 in six multi-lateral sectors, including the formation of a new financial focus group of the Forum and cooperation covering issues such as health, labour and migration
  • The commissioning of CVF research, including a Third Climate Vulnerability Monitor and new studies in the field of low-carbon development
  • The adoption of operational modalities for the CVF

The Plan was announced as “a major move for vulnerable countries uniting to boost ambition and advance international progress on climate change through to 2015.”

Action Plan Downloads

Download the 2013-15 Action Plan (0.3 mb, pdf )
Press Release (English) (0.3 mb, pdf ) or link
Boletín de Prensa (Español) (0.3 mb, pdf )


CVF Operational Modalities (0.1 mb, pdf )
Annex on Third CVF Report on Climate Change Vulnerability (0.1 mb, pdf )
Dhaka Declaration of the CVF (2011) (0.2 mb, pdf )


Launch Event Video at the UN Climate Change Conference at Warsaw, Poland (COP19)
Event Photo Gallery (flickr)
La Nación (Costa Rica, Español)
Tico Times (Costa Rica, English)
Thomson Reuters
El Financiero (Costa Rica, Español)
El País (Costa Rica, Español)
La República (Costa Rica, Español)
Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh, English)