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ADB Workshop on Carbon Pricing for Small Island Developing States in Asia and the Pacific

This workshop on carbon pricing is being conducted for key policy makers in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Asia and the Pacific to provide them with knowledge on the latest state and trends of carbon pricing globally as well as in Asia Pacific, and how carbon pricing can be an effective instrument to be a new source of public revenue and shape economy level climate actions as part of the broader climate policy toolbox to achieve climate targets articulated under their respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and raise ambition over time. The workshop is being organized by the Asian Development Bank in collaboration with the V20 Ministers of Finance, and the Regional Pacific NDC Hub. Each session includes 20 minutes for Q&A.

This workshop on carbon pricing is being conducted for key policy makers in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Asia and the Pacific to provide them with knowledge on the latest state and trends of carbon pricing globally as well as in Asia Pacific, and how carbon pricing can be an effective instrument to be a new source of public revenue and shape economy level climate actions as part of the broader climate policy toolbox to achieve climate targets articulated under their respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and raise ambition over time. The workshop is being organized by the Asian Development Bank in collaboration with the V20 Ministers of Finance, and the Regional Pacific NDC Hub. Each session includes 20 minutes for Q&A.

1 Sept 11:00-11:20 AM
Opening Session

Bambang Susantono, Vice-President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, Asian Development Bank

H.E. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and the Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Republic of Fiji (tbc)

*** A group photo will be taken at the end of the opening session.

1 Sept 11:20-12:25 PM
Carbon Pricing in the Context of Climate Policy Architecture

This session will provide an overview of carbon pricing as a part of the broader climate policy architecture and the use of carbon pricing instruments in achieving national climate policy objectives. The session will also introduce the various types of carbon pricing instruments such as carbon tax, emissions trading system (ETS) or offset trading and the benefits they can provide, particularly as revenue generating instruments. This session will include a 15-minute fireside chat between Virender Kumar Duggal, ADB and Noim Uddin, NDC Hub.

1 Sept 12:25-1:30 PM
Domestic and International Carbon Markets

This session will provide an overview of domestic and international carbon markets and their role in achieving national climate policy objectives. This will include discussions on international and domestic ETSs and the lessons drawn from the dynamic landscape of ETS including linking, and the experience from the use of project-based mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism and the Government of Japan’s Joint Crediting Mechanism as a means of mobilizing carbon finance to incentivize mitigation actions. The session will also discuss the role of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and its interaction with domestic and international carbon markets. This session will include a 15-minute fireside chat between Sara Ahmed, V20 Finance Advisor and Mark Kenber, V20 Adviser on VCM.

2 Sept 11:00-12:05 PM
Introduction to Paris Agreement, NDCs & Article 6

This session will provide introduction to the Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and its relationship with other provisions of the Paris Agreement, and how Article 6 can help countries in achieving targets articulated under their respective NDCs and raising ambition overtime. The session will also take stock of the ongoing negotiations for the finalization of Article 6 rulebook and deliberate upon some of the critical issues such as CDM transition, Share of Proceeds, among others. This session will include a 15-minute fireside chat between Virender Kumar Duggal, ADB and Sonam Tashi, Kingdom of Bhutan.

2 Sept 12:05-1:10 PM
International Carbon Markets under Article 6

This session will deep dive in pertinent issues such as how to utilize past experiences to build viable market-based approaches that can also fit with the NDC context; and the need to establish policies for engagement with Article 6 at national level, including criteria for export of carbon credits (ITMOs). The session will also highlight the link between export of carbon credits (ITMOs) with NDC tracking to ensure NDC compliance as well as avoid double counting and highlight the immediate next steps for countries that wish to engage in Article 6. This session will have an elongated Q&A to discuss the specific challenges and opportunities to carbon pricing.

2 Sept 1:10-1:30 PM
Closing Session

Bruno Carrasco, Director General and concurrently Chief Compliance Officer, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank

H.E. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and the Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Republic of Fiji (tbc)

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