V20 Ministerial Dialogue IX
V20 Ministerial Dialogue IX
“When is Now?” for a Fit-for-Climate Financial Architecture for a Planet on Fire
16 October 2022 10am-12pm EDT
In-Person at Conference Hall 1, International Monetary Fund HQ 2, Washington DC
IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings
- Principal forum of the V20 Group of Ministers of Finance co-hosted by the V20 and the International Monetary Fund
- On the record high-level dialogue of V20 finance ministers chaired by the Minister of Finance of Ghana (V20 Chair) and invited partners including G7/G20; and
- Ministerial Dialogue Communique to articulate top concerns and opportunity areas initiatives of the V20 member economies, and a call to action.
The Ministerial aims to:
- Monitor progress and update on V20 activities and work program, including the CVF & V20 Joint Multi-Donor Fund, the V20 Loss and Damage Funding Program, the Sustainable Insurance Facility, the Accelerated Financing Mechanism and Carbon Financing Development Program
- Highlight key concerns of funding and liquidity to deal with the climate, Covid, debt and energy crises which warrants action from the international public finance community and key central banks
- Call to action and discuss key initiatives for accelerated mobilization of financial resources and investment, especially to deliver a doubling of international funding for climate adaptation and loss and damage, financing the green transition, and reducing the financial protection gap through the G20-V20 InsuResilience Global Partnership and the development of the G7and V20 led Global Shield
- Explore public and private partnerships for Climate Prosperity Plans as a V20 strategic investment framework
The ninth V20 Ministerial Dialogue at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group in October 2022 is the supreme forum of the V20 Group of 55 Finance Ministers of economies systemically vulnerable to climate change. The Dialogue serves to forge and oversee key V20 partnerships with international financial system actors, including donors, international financial institutions and development partners, and to review progress and endorse activities in the. V20’s own program of work. The Ministerial will issue a Communique highlighting shared challenges and V20 efforts with partners, along with a call to action in the lead up to Sharm el-Sheikh COP27.
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