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Paving the Way from Vulnerability to Prosperity: Climate Prosperity Plans Flagship Event

CVF Pavilion (P106, area C), Blue Zone, Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center

Tuesday 8 November 2022, 9:30-10:45 am (EET)

Event Description:

As nations of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and Vulnerable Group of 20 (V20) continuously strive to move from climate vulnerability to climate prosperity, access to climate financing remains a constant hurdle. This leads vulnerable countries in their full swing of development to build in further vulnerabilities with each investment rather than becoming more resilient. CVF and V20 countries are also missing out on opportunities for greater energy independence as well as access to green investment and export opportunities. The Climate Prosperity Plans Program seeks to respond to this challenge by designing actionable investment and implementation pathways toward climate prosperity. It presents an opportunity to unlock new avenues for economic cooperation and innovative financing centered around ambitious and climate-smart targets.

Climate Prosperity Plans (CPPs) are national investment strategies that seek to maximize socio-economic outcomes for countries on the frontline of the climate emergency, through the deployment of maximized domestic renewable energy potential and climate-proofing of the economy. Based on a set of government-endorsed targets, the CPPs present a macroeconomic scenario for prosperity, showing how key socio-economic indicators could evolve to 2050 (provided financing for the Plan is fully unlocked). The CPPs also itemize programs and projects that will contribute to the realization of the set-out targets, as well as outline financing options for each project and program. The national legislative and regulatory framework is also analyzed and recommendations are made to facilitate the implementation of the Plan.

In 2021, Bangladesh launched the first CPP, named Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan after the Father of the Nation. At COP26, multiple member countries have expressed interest in developing their own CPP and Ghana, as the new CVF/V20 Chair, led the way for the program to expand to all interested members. At COP27, the time has come to take stock of progress and showcase the first results of the CPP program.

Event objectives:

This flagship event will serve the following objectives:

  • Showcasing of Bangladesh’s Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan
  • Presentation of progress on the development/preliminary launch of the Ghana, Maldives and Sri Lanka CPPs
  • Showcase of the CPP program to all interested members, donor governments, CPP partners, philanthropies and other private investors

Event program and speakers (tentative)

Inaugurating keynote addresses (20 minutes)

  • H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, Hon. President of Ghana and CVF Chair
  • H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Hon. Prime Minister of Bangladesh
  • H.E. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Hon. President of Maldives
  • H.E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, Hon. President of Sri Lanka

Statements by CVF thematic ambassadors (20 minutes)

  • H.E. Mohamed Nasheed, former President of the Maldives, Speaker of the People’s Majlis and CVF Thematic Ambassador for Ambition
  • Saima Wazed, International Focal Point of the Advisory Group on Disability and Disaster Risk Management of the Ministry of Disaster Management of Bangladesh and CVF Thematic Ambassador for Vulnerability
  • Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, Lead Climate Change Specialist of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of Congo and CVF Thematic Ambassador for Renewable Energy
  • Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, Climate Envoy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and CVF Thematic Ambassador for Culture
  • E. Loren Legarda, Hon. President of the Philippines Senate and CVF Thematic Ambassador for Parliaments
  • Nakeeyat Abdul-Rahman Sam, CVF Thematic Ambassador for Youth

Presentation by the CVF/V20 Secretariat (10 minutes)

  • Matthew McKinnon, Program Head, CVF/V20 Support Program, Global Center on Adaptation
  • Sara Jane Ahmed, V20 Workstream Coordinator and Finance Advisor, Global Center on Adaptation

Partners panel (20 minutes)

Representatives of:

  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Introduction and closing statement by

Hon. Dr. Henry Kokofu, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana and CVF Ghana Presidency Special Envoy

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