More info on the program of activities and events of the CVF.
Climate Vulnerable Forum High Level Meeting at COP21
Information on the Climate Vulnerable Forum High Level Meeting can be found here.
Climate Vulnerable Forum Meeting in Manila, 9-11 November 2015
Information on the 3rd Global Meeting of the CVF can be found here.
Road Maps
The CVF adopted a Road Map under the Philippines presidency for the 2016-18 period. Released at the UN Climate Change Conference at Paris, France (COP21) in November 2015, the Road Map outlines planned activities of the CVF and guidance for the joint work of the Forum’s members to ensure timely and effective implementation of the Manila-Paris Declaration.
Program of Activities: 2013–15 Action Plan
Much of the current work of the CVF is focused on implementation of the 2013–2015 Costa Rica Action Plan of the CVF – more information on the Action Plan is available here.