2016-18 CVF Road Map
The CVF adopted a Road Map under the Philippines presidency for the 2016-18 period. Released at the UN Climate Change Conference at Paris, France (COP21) in November 2015, the Road Map outlines planned activities of the CVF and guidance for the joint work of the Forum’s members to ensure timely and effective implementation of the Manila-Paris Declaration. Road Map objectives in the domains of policy, communications and action on climate change are as follows:
- Continue to act as a driving force for the promotion of progress in international policy towards high degrees of effectiveness in addressing climate change and expanded support for most vulnerable countries by partnering and leading appropriate engagements in and around relevant policy-making bodies and processes at international level.
- Upscale efforts to promote learning and the exchange of knowledge, technology and good practices on successful responses to climate change among and between vulnerable countries and through South-South and triangular cooperation, while contributing to expanding understanding of risks and responses to climate change through the commissioning and dissemination of demand-driven- and pioneering- policy research.
- Build greater awareness among the public, political leaders and policy-makers of the grave risks incurred through ineffective responses to climate change, giving greater voice to the world’s most vulnerable countries and spotlighting the benefits of enhanced responses to climate change.
- Work to increase attention to actions large and small undertaken to address climate change by most vulnerable countries, and through the work of this Forum, in order to inspire greater actions by countries, institutions, communities and relevant stakeholders worldwide.
- Lead the world into a climate-resilient and low-emissions future through upscaled domestic action, with additional enabling support on means of implementation, an acceleration of South-South replication of successful responses and through strengthened international, regional and national partnerships for climate action.
- Catalyse action by developed countries and other countries in a position to do so, international and regional organizations and stakeholders to enhance the global response to climate change through upscaled efforts and more effective, better-informed and sophisticated responses.
Road Map
Download the 2016-18 Road Map (0.2mb, pdf)
Download Annex 1: The CVF National Focal Points and Member Communications (0.2mb, pdf)
Guidance Note
Download the Guidance Note (0.2mb, pdf)
Press Release
Press Release (English) (0.3 mb, pdf) or link