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CVF-V20 Headquarters Office Interior Design

CVF-V20 Headquarters Office Interior Design

Timeframe: Jan 15 to Feb 15 2024

Office Capacity: The office will cater to 23 staff, including the Secretary General.

Floor Space: The current floor space is approximately 135 square meters.

Specific Room Details:

  • Conference Room 1: 40 square meters, to serve as a meeting room.
  • Conference Room 5: 61 square meters, to serve as an open office.
  • Conference Room 6: 34 square meters, to serve as the CEO’s office and meeting area.


Develop a sustainable interior office design that considers environmental, social, and economic factors to create a workspace that is not only eco-friendly, but also enhances the well-being and productivity of its occupants.

Specific Design Elements:

  • Consider energy efficiency (e.g. optimize building orientation for natural light and ventilation)
  • Water efficiency (e.g. use water-saving technologies)
  • Indoor environment quality (e.g. 1) design spaces that promote occupant well-being and productivity; 2) incorporate plants and sustainable materials into the design)
  • Waste Reduction (e.g. develop strategies for waste reduction, including recycling and composting facilities)


Scope of Work:

  • Conduct a site analysis
  • Present a conceptual design
  • Develop a schematic design
  • Design development consultations (up 3 revisions)
  • Present final sustainable office design
  • Post-Occupancy Evaluation


  • Project budget and schedule
  • Conceptual Design
  • Schematic Design
  • Final Design


Expression of interest:

EoI to be submitted with a concept note of the approach to be submitted to [email protected] by 12 January.

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