Chair Closing delivered by H.E. Ken Ofori-Atta, Hon. Finance Minister of Republic of Ghana
16 April 2023
H.E. Ken Ofori-Atta, Hon. Finance Minister of Republic of Ghana
It’s certainly kind of Patrick and President Nasheed on our side of this great fight. Hard is not impossible and as the book says, It’s Not Too Late. So, Patrick, once again thank you very much and we look forward to this energy and support that you have.
A few things that we need to clear up before we go. And to really add to this sense and maybe reverence of this whole climate agenda, and Patrick, I’ll take you back to the bible, Genesis 2, “and the Lord God placed man in the Garden of Eden to tend and to care for it”. Let us do that and be optimistic about where we’re going, that we will win.
So, this brings us to the last segment of today’s Ministerial Dialogue here in Washington, D.C. We will proceed on to adopting the Ministerial Dialogue Communiqué.
Members of the V20, are there any objections to the draft Communiqué circulated by the Secretariat?
Hearing and seeing no objections, the Communiqué is therefore duly adopted. Thank you.
So let me especially thank fellow V20 members, the G7 and the G20 representative partners, representatives of MDBs and IFIs for joining today’s very, very important Ministerial Dialogue where we also, like Bridgetown, are symbolic as we bridge policy and the politics to get things done.
We have energized the critical issue of advancing a fit-for-climate global financial architecture and must ensure we maintain the momentum until we see the transformation that vulnerable countries require to attain sustainable and climate-resilient growth, but more importantly for greater prosperity for the world.
We do not have decades to respond. We have 6 years and about 8 months to correct the course. Let us make it happen! Let us listen to Nakeeyat. And therefore, work with a sense of urgency.
We look forward to working through the reform agenda in Paris and in Nairobi and to reconvene in Marrakech in order to share our solutions in Dubai.
I now bring this dialogue to a close.
Thank you and may God bless us.