Statement by the V20 Chair, H.E. Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister for Finance and Economic Planning of Ghana on the IPCC 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change
March 20, 2023

The V20 Chair, H.E. Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister for Finance and Economic Planning Ghana released the following statement today ahead of the release of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change:
“This report clearly shows how the climate crisis will worsen our debt challenges while pushing our long-term sustainable development goals further out of reach. Big emitting countries must increase their mitigation ambitions by drastically decarbonizing their economies while increasing more significantly their financial obligations to the climate vulnerable states whose fortunes have been eroded by the effects of climate change – a situation created by the developed world.”
“We teach our children to value fairness and yet they see world leaders behaving in a contrary fashion today, especially on issues relating to climate justice. May the Synthesis Report cause a significant turning point that brings us back to meaningful and transformative actions that ensure that we preserve our common humanity and keep 1.5 alive!”
Comment by Special Envoy of the CVF Presidency of Ghana, Hon. Dr. Henry Kokofu, regarding the release of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change:

“The AR6 report shows we need immediate cuts in emissions if we are to bring climate change under control. But the way big polluting countries calculate their emissions reductions is unfair. They claim their emissions are on a pathway compatible with 1.5 degrees, but this is untrue. They are fiddling the numbers to make their emissions cuts look better.
“A transparent, fair shares basis is the only way to account for countries’ emissions reductions. So that everyone has a fair share of the atmosphere and a responsibility to protect it.”
Comment by Nakeeyat Dramani Sam, CVF Thematic Ambassador for Youth, regarding the release of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change:

“My generation will live on a wrecked planet unless today’s adults agree to bigger cuts in emissions.
“Rich and big polluting countries are wriggling out of doing their part to stop climate change. If they would just do their fair share, global climate disaster could be averted.”